Ski Jump Mania总体规则
- 遵守这些规则是游戏中所有玩家的义务。
- 不能以没有注意规则作为借口
- 游戏的管理员有权判定某人是否违反了规则
- 对违反规则的惩罚方式和程度由游戏管理员决定
- 破坏规则最严厉的处罚是查封用户账号和IP地址
- 所有没有被规则所涵盖的情况都将由管理员进行判断和解决。
- 除了一般规定外,用户还必须遵守每个服务器各自的规定。
- 这些规则不同语言版本的内容或解释可能存在歧义,具有决定性和效用的版本是斯洛伐克语言版本。
- 向游戏中的另一位用户赠送你的账号。
- 登陆或尝试登陆别人的账户
- to give your password to another user and thus enable him/her to log into your account
- to transfer in-game finances in any way with the purpose of providing an advantage for a user, carried out by one or more users
- 为了获得另一位用户的账号密码,或者破坏另一位玩家正常游戏而进行欺诈行为。
- 滥用游戏和规则中的任何错误和缺陷
- 随意翻阅网页,制造、使用或者散播使游戏自动化的申请,(除非被创造者允许)
- 尝试得到没有在网页上明确出现的信息或者以类似的方法发送数据
- 尝试盗取或者破坏PowerPlay Manager LTD的财产或者鼓吹他人这样做
- 推广或以其他方式宣传在线游戏(在达成协议后,将给予 support@skijumpmania.com的奖励)
- to post spam by mail - by sending unrequested mails (such as advertising)
- to post threatening, insulting or degrading messages or texts on the game pages or in mail
- to insult, threaten or defame any user of the game on the game pages or in mail
- to publish messages on the pages of the game or in mails which break the law or advertise crimes
- to encourage other users to do things which are in violation of the rules of the game
- to use a vulgar or otherwise revolting jumper name
- 放入某些未经版权所有人允许的文本,图片或其他内容
- 放入某些可能冒犯其他用户的文本,图片或其他内容
- 在未经游戏管理者的许可下宣传其他网页或产品
- to cheat in any way with the purpose of gaining teammates, including encouraging people with no intention of playing the game to create an account with the purpose of gaining a teammate
- to abuse the option to report inappropriate posts in chat
- to talk about politics or religion in chat
- to post any kind of advertising in chat
- to use Caps Lock in chat
- to spam in chat